We had a wonderful, relaxing 2-week Christmas break, all the while experiencing the craziness of Ontario's winter weather. Despite days of drizzle and rain, followed by bone-numbing sub-zero temperatures that left us quite house-bound, there were no complaints of boredom.
We bought a "family gift" this year for Christmas - a Wii and added a couple of appendages, Rock Band and Wii Fit Plus. We've had lots of fun with Rock Band and it turns out that even Aunt I and Uncle A can rock!
I have to admit, I bought the Fit Plus more for myself - to help with the perpetual New Year's resolution: to get in better shape this year. But the rest of the gang seems to be enjoying it too. A good friend told me about Sheila Wray Gregoire's blog To Love, Honor, and Vacuum. Sheila has put together three mixed 30 minute work-outs using Wii Fit and she shares them on her blog here.

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