Saturday, December 25, 2010

Waffle mittens

Finished just in time for Christmas .... one pair of waffle mittens, made to order for Thomas
And he likes them!
What can I say? He picked out the colours : )
Mission Falls 1820 Wool
Pattern on Ravelry: 3 Stitch Waffle Mittens by Zortified (a free Ravelry download)
This pattern knits up quickly and the waffle stitch adds some nice thickness and warmth. My only modification was to do plain knit thumbs versus the knit-2 purl-1 that the pattern calls for. I found the plain knit looks better when adding the make-1 stitches for the thumb gusset.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A different beach...another sock

It's amazing how much knitting you can get done during an 18-hour drive to the sunny south...
"Algonquin Socks" started on the shores of Pog Lake, Algonquin Provincial Park, and...

...completed on the sands of beautiful Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

I love this place they call "The Strand," with it's glorious sunrises -

seemingly endless beaches -

and, lo and behold...a local yarn store (and a lovely one at that!)

Needless to say, with the socks finished I had to pick up a little something for the 18 hour drive back to Ontario...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Algonquin-inspired Socks

We spent a glorious week up at Pog Lake in Algonquin Provincial Park , relaxing, canoeing, swimming, hiking, eating 'smores by the fire....and, finally I had time to knit something... ...a pair of socks made of Patons Kroy sock yarn, colourway "55201 - Turquoise Jacquard"; however, I prefer to call it "Late Summer in Algonquin."

Here's why:

Pog Lake, Algonquin Park

The Unknown Couple - but don't they look perfect together?

Mystic Pines

Who couldn't help but feel refreshed, renewed, and inspired among all this beauty?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

If I was knitting...

If I was knitting...which I am not because I am either working or studying...but if I was to knit something it would be these two little friends. The pattern is called "Jacobus" by Annita Wilschut and you can find ordering info at her blog.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wii to the Rescue

We had a wonderful, relaxing 2-week Christmas break, all the while experiencing the craziness of Ontario's winter weather. Despite days of drizzle and rain, followed by bone-numbing sub-zero temperatures that left us quite house-bound, there were no complaints of boredom.

We bought a "family gift" this year for Christmas - a Wii and added a couple of appendages, Rock Band and Wii Fit Plus. We've had lots of fun with Rock Band and it turns out that even Aunt I and Uncle A can rock!

I have to admit, I bought the Fit Plus more for myself - to help with the perpetual New Year's resolution: to get in better shape this year. But the rest of the gang seems to be enjoying it too. A good friend told me about Sheila Wray Gregoire's blog To Love, Honor, and Vacuum. Sheila has put together three mixed 30 minute work-outs using Wii Fit and she shares them on her blog here.

So off I go to do "work-out C: core body"...