Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Otto for Emily

The end of the school year is a very exciting time for kids and never seems to come quite soon enough. These last few days at school have been mostly fun for our kids, celebrating completing another grade, making summer plans with friends, having class parties. (While their teachers attempt to instill those last morsels of education).
It is time for a welcome break, to throw out the routines, sleep-in, play, and enjoy the all-too-short summer because, before the kids have a chance to say "Mom, I'm bored. What can I do?" - it will be September!

Owen has some mixed emotions about finishing grade three today and going on to grade four, as one of his good friends will not be returning in the fall. She and her family (her mother was also their teacher this year) will be starting a new chapter in their lives as they move to a new city and province. Her mother read to the class Owls in the Family by Farley Mowatt and this became one of Owen's favourite studies. I just couldn't resist and knit up Otto the Owl from Lucinda Guy's book "And So to Bed".

...from Owen to Emily...enjoy...

I think there will be a lot of "MSN-ing" happening this summer. : )

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