Saturday, January 19, 2008

Knitting encounter - hands and feet

Ever have people stop you in the middle of your tracks and ask you about your knitting? Me neither ... at least not until the other day. As I was leaving the Supercentre with my cart loaded with groceries a woman stopped me and asked about my mittens! "Hand-made?" she asked of my self patterning, sockwool mitts that flap back to become a pair of fingerless gloves. (These are my favourites so far this winter.) Then she proceded to pull up her pant leg to reveal a sock made of the same wool "from Germany" ~ we laughed.

Here's another pair that I gave to my sister:


Mandy said...

How cool! Nothing like that has ever happened to me. Other than in a yarn store, of course. :)

Ingrid said...

I was the recipient of these lovely blue, green and yellow fingerless mitt/gloves. I just love these mitts! They fit me "like a glove". I think the yarn is a wool blend with some kind of lotion built in to keep them the yarn soft and less itchy.

A few people have asked me about them. I proudly say that "my sister made them for me". This is usually followed by a request for a closer inspection and exclamations of oohs and aahs.