There is something very beautiful in work which is well and precisely done. It is a participation in the activity of God, who makes all things well and wisely, beautiful to the last detail. -Jean Vanier
Monday, December 24, 2007
And miles to go before I sleep...

Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday was a lovely day, the sun was out, the temperature was quite mild, no cold wind even, and so the thought did cross my mind that I should go out for a run before I fall totally back out of shape. The thought was later reinforced when I stopped in at VanBelle's and spoke briefly with Karl, one of the owners, about...running. Next, off I go to the library where I bump into Peter and Marja, my pastor and his wife, who casually ask if I have been "keeping up with my running lately?" Nope. Then I find out they had run with the church running club that morning, after which they donated blood! Okay, okay, I get the hint! Busted again....
And so, after the kids were off to school this morning, I headed out to a local indoor track and ran in circles for 20 minutes. Done!
Now for a bit of knitting....I have no trouble with this activity in the winter months! Apparently you only burn off about 30 calories per hour knitting but I think I doubled that while making this hat! Here is Jared Flood's Koolhaas and I love it, love it, love it. However, I did muddle up the decrease rows and had to tear back some of it four times before I got it right. It wasn't the pattern's fault ....just mine. Even though it took me longer than I originally thought, I will definitely make this one again and probably add an extra pattern section for my big-headed relatives!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Prerequisite weather...
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
-matching generic sock (second sock syndrome) to make for daughter with cold feet
-the top half of this gorgeous hat (may I call this a toque?), Jared Flood's Koolhaas featured in
-magnum opus (perhaps one day), the Peacock Feathers Shawl from Fiddlesticks Knitting. I think I bit off more than I can chew on this one!
-seaming and buttons for my Baby Surpise Jacket (at least this one is knitted up)
...and, just to make matters worse (or better, depending on how you look at it), this has arrived from Webs
...my wool for the Tilted Duster! This project must wait, however, as I have joined a Tilted Duster KAL on Ravelry which doesn't begin until January 1st.
Just think, if I get all these finished (with the exception of the magnum opus), I will be way ahead on my Christmas knitting!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Dionaea muscipula
Friday, November 16, 2007
Extreme Makeover...
My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Success Story

Way to go, BB!
Monday, November 12, 2007
A little running...a little knitting...

Monday, November 5, 2007
Random Acts of Knitting
Although the Cobblestone
Instead, here are a couple of previously finished objects. On the left is a pair of very soft baby socks made from leftover Austermann Step sock yarn with aloe and jojoba oil. This is a self-striping yarn but on these tiny socks the colours only changed twice, from the ribbing to the heel and then from the heel to the toe. The other project is a generic dishcloth made from Bernat Cotton.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Jupiter, Fifth Planet from the Sun
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Coming Apart at the Seams
These were my first and favourite running shoes. I learned to run in these shoes. I ran my first 5K in these shoes. I have tried to replace them once but the new shoes gave me pain in the arches of my feet. So I went back to my #1's...but now...I may have to finally say goodbye...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
October Rain
Today is an about-face from the 26 degree Celsius sunshine we enjoyed yesterday! Although everything looks fresh, clean, and green outside right now, the temperature is beginning to drop and the rain continues. A perfect day for .... cleaning (yes, I can't avoid it today).
Also, great weather for baking .... I'll get those old bananas off the counter.
And of course, perfect weather for a bit of knitting. I began the Cobblestone pullover last week and am making slow progress. My guage looks good but I am a bit afraid that I might not have enough wool. So far I have already used 2 balls and it calls for 13. I will keep my fingers crossed and re-measure after another two balls or so. Here is a photo of some of the "cobbling" in progress. The wool is a bit darker than it appears here and has flecks of beige and darker gray in it as well. This shows where the garter stitch continues along the sides.
Monday, October 15, 2007
10's and 1's
Well, I have learned a thing or two about blogging, search engines crawling, being patient, etc. Although I can see my blog, it appears no one else can...yet.
In the meantime I will continue to update. Today's post is about the "run away" aspect of this blog. I have two sisters who run (5K's, 10K's, half-marathons, even one full marathon). About a year ago they began giving me "gifts" like running shoes, water bottles, and gift certificates to the Running Room. I took the hint and two weeks ago I finished my first 5K at the Run for the Cure!
Following the Running Room's Learn to Run program I gradually built up my running time until I was running 10 minutes and walking 1 minute, then running 10 minutes, walking 1 minute, etc. Here I am crossing the finish line after 38 minutes (3-1/2 sets of 10 minutes running with 3 one minute walking breaks):
Today I stuck to a nice, gentle run of 20 minutes (2 sets of 10's and 1's). If I can only figure out a way to knit and run at the same time...